
Virtually everything you know about worshiping God, you learned from Jews who lived thousands of years ago—before musical notation and before most of todays instruments were even invented. If the mere echoes of ancient Israels worship have brought the world so much light, think how much more can be received when Israels modern-day Psalmists are reinstated to their posts as singers, songwriters, composers and musicians.

Based in King David’s beloved city of Jerusalem–the City of Worship–we’ve dedicated our lives to see this atmosphere of worship restored to the land.

This vision is at the heart of Maoz Israel Music, a record label and fellowship of worship artists and musicians in Israel. Our modern-day Psalmists are tireless. Even the quarantine didn’t slow them down! The young musicians stuck at home remained determined to reach a place of excellence in their craft—so while other kids were watching Netflix our musicians continued their lessons online. The composers and musicians have kept on writing, and recordings in the studio never stopped.  We are building an army of worshippers and the sky isn’t our limit–it’s our destination.